Barry Eggers on the 2020 Election, SPACS & More

In this episode of Harry Stebbings’s podcast, The Twenty Minute VC, Barry Eggers, Founding Partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners and Board Chair for NVCA, discusses the implications of a Biden vs. Trump administration on venture and startups, how the rise of SPACs will impact venture, and more.

The big picture: Numerous regulatory and industry issues are impacting the VC community – discover how to navigate the risks.

Barry Eggers, Founding Partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners and Board Chair for NVCA, had was a guest speaker on Harry Stebbings’s podcast, The Twenty Minute VC. In this interview, Barry discusses the implications of a Biden vs. Trump administration on venture and startups, how the rise of SPACs will impact venture, what we can do to further DE&I in VC, and more!

Topics Discussed in this Episode:

1.) How Barry made his way into the world of venture over 20 years ago and how he came to found one of today’s leaders, Lightspeed?

2.) What are the implications of a Biden administration? How does this compare to a Trump administration? What can be done to mitigate the tax concerns around Biden’s policies? How does Barry think about each candidate’s stance on immigration? What are the challenges here?

3.) How will SPACs change the world of venture? What will it take for them to be viewed in the same class as IPOs? Why are they often better than direct listings? How does the rise of solo capitalists change the state of venture? What does Barry make of rolling funds being born?

4.) What does Barry believe we can do to swing the race pendulum in venture? What were Barry’s biggest lessons in taking the Lightspeed partnership from 1 to 10 female partners? How can this be done with ethnic minorities also? What advice does Barry give to his counterpart GPs?

5.) How would Barry describe his own style of board membership? How has it changed over time? How does Barry keep his head in boards with many around him are losing theirs? What advice does Barry give to new board members adopting board seats for the first time?


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You can follow Harry and The Twenty Minute VC on Twitter here.

Barry Eggers is a Founding Partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners and currently serves as our Chair of the NVCA Board of Directors. Lightspeed is one of the premier funds of the last decade with homerun investments including Snapchat, Affirm, Mulesoft, Nutanix and Stitch Fix. Prior to LSVP, Barry spent close to 6 years at Cisco developing Cisco’s initial M&A program and leading the company’s first wave of acquisitions and integrations.