Empowering the next generation to fuel the economy of tomorrow.

NVCA unites the U.S. venture ecosystem.

We support the foundation of high-growth companies and ensure the U.S. remains the most competitive environment in the world for entrepreneurs.

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$244 Billion
the amount spent on R&D from VC-backed public companies in 2020, up from essentially zero in the 1970s
employment growth at VC-backed companies from 1990 to 2020 vs. 40% at total private sector
of VC-backed jobs are distributed broadly accross the entire U.S.
of the largest U.S. VC backed companies would not even exist or achieved their current scale without an active VC industry

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NVCA Announces 2025 Venture Vanguard Class 

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NVCA Applauds Introduction of Small Business Investment Act 

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NVCA Statement on Trump’s Carried Interest Comments 

Press Releases

NVCA Statement on the Passing of Dick Kramlich


Member Spotlight: Alpha Partners

Press Releases

NVCA Statement on Scott Bessent’s Confirmation as U.S. Treasury Secretary

Upcoming Events

June 5, 2025
Mark your calendars to join us for NVCA’s Leadership Awards Dinner to be held on June 5, 2025, at the Rosewood Hotel Sand Hill.  The event honors those who have made significant contributions to foster innovation, advance technology, and drive new company formation.  Reserve your seat now and stay tuned as we announce the VC award winners in the coming weeks! Nominations are now closed.