Regional Groups
Want to get involved with state associations advancing the venture capital ecosystem in your area? Check out the list below.
State/ Region | Organization | Website |
California | CONNECT | https://connect.org/about/ |
California | Los Angeles Venture Association (LAVA) | https://www.lava.org/ |
Florida | Florida Venture Forum | https://flventure.org/ |
Hawaii | Hawaiian Venture Capital Association | www.hvca.org |
Illinois | Illinois Venture Capital Association | https://illinoisvc.org/ |
Indiana | Venture Club of Indiana | https://www.ventureclub.org/about |
Iowa | Iowa Venture Capital Association (IVCA) | https://www.iowaventure.org/ |
Michigan | Michigan Venture Capital Association | https://michiganvca.org/ |
Mid-Atlantic | Mid-Atlantic Venture Capital Association (MAVA) | https://www.mava.org/ |
Nevada | Council for Entrepreneurial Development (NV) | https://cednc.org/ |
New England | New England Venture Capital Association (NEVCA) | https://newenglandvc.org/ |
New York | New York Venture Capital Association (NYVCA) | https://nycvc.org/ |
New York | Upstate Capital Association of New York | https://upstatecapital.org/about/ |
Pennsylvania | PACT | https://philadelphiapact.com/ |
Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh Venture Capital Association (PVCA) | https://thepvca.org/ |
Rocky Mountains | Rocky Mountain Venture Capital Association | https://www.rockymountainvca.com/ |
Tennessee | Greater Nashville Venture Capital Association | https://gnvca.org/ |
Texas | Texas Venture Alliance | https://texasventurealliance.org/ |