NVCA Joins New Push for Immigration Reform
NVCA has joined forces with the Partnership for a New American Economy in an effort to increase awareness of the need for comprehensive immigration reform in the run-up to President Obama’s State of the Union address tomorrow. Specifically, we are asking our members to change their profile pictures – on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms – to the pro-reform images posted here. Also, please share your messages of support using the hashtag #iamimmigration.
The goal is to make this logo go viral, in much the same way that the pink “=” symbol and message went viral during the DOMA/Supreme Court debate. That’s why we are asking members to share this blog post and the links above and below with the leads of your organizations as well as your extended networks.
This campaign flows out of a discussion event held last week, entitled “Immigration Reform: Outlook 2014”, which was hosted by the Partnership for a New American Economy and the Chamber of Commerce.
NVCA has long recognized the crucial role that immigrant entrepreneurs play in driving U.S. job creation and economic growth. And we support immigration reform measures that will make it easier for these highly skilled, innovative entrepreneurs to come to America and build new companies here. Many thanks for your help in amplifying the message!